Income Inequality


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Can the Right Afford to Acknowledge Low Upward Mobility in the U.S.?

Michael Laracy of the Annie E. Casey Foundation emailed around an opinion piece by Fareed Zakaria on the boffo...

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‘This Is What the Middle Class Looks Like’ … Fast Food One-day Strikes and the Next Upsurge in Unionism

“This is what democracy looks like.” Even though this chant originated with the Seattle protests against the World Trade...

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Pennsylvania, Land of Opportunity

We’re not always the “good news bears,” but today we’re thrilled to give greater visibility to a landmark new...

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Diversion Politics and Factual Errors with ‘Americans for a Tiny Sliver of Rich People’

Jennifer Stefano, the Pennsylvania director of Americans for Prosperity, published an op-ed in the Patriot-News Friday — the latest...

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Toshi Seeger and Respect for the Working Man and Woman

Toshi Seeger’s obituary last week in The New York Times brought a smile to my face. Toshi provided her...

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Pulling Apart: Income Inequality Has Grown in PA

Income inequality has grown in all parts of the country since the late 1970s, and Pennsylvania has not been...

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What’s Good for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Isn’t So Good For You

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce released a new report on Wednesday calling for the rollback of a wide range...

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