This Tax Day, Say No to Loopholes


It’s that time of year again — time to file your state and federal tax returns. At the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center’s web site, we have a resource page showing you how your tax dollars are spent and why closing tax loopholes is such a big priority.

Federal taxes finance various public services, including Social Security, national defense and health care services, as the chart to the right from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities illustrates.

It’s that time of year again — time to file your state and federal tax returns. At the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center’s web site, we have a resource page showing you how your tax dollars are spent and why closing tax loopholes is such a big priority.

Federal taxes finance various public services, including Social Security, national defense and health care services, as the chart to the right from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities illustrates.

At the state level, our tax dollars educate our children, keep our communities safe, move people to work over roads and transit systems, and care for seniors, children and people with disabilities. 87 cents of every state General Fund dollar is spent on education, health and human services, or public safety. See the graphic below detailing General Fund spending in 2011-12.

State and federal tax loopholes allow many large profitable corporations to avoid paying taxes, costing billions of dollars that could be invested in education, infrastructure and other services that make our economy strong.

On Tuesday, citizens from across Pennsylvania will mark Tax Day by calling on state and federal lawmakers to end these tax giveaways. Find a Tax Day event near you and come on out. You can also sign a Better Budget Petition and send a message to Governor Corbett and the Legislature to close loopholes before making more cuts that hurt middle-class families and children.
